Department of Energy Nuclear Weapons Facilities
A Nation At War
Throughout World War II and the Cold War, the Department of Energy and US military built an expansive network of nuclear mining, testing, and weapon production facilities throughout the country. Many of these sites and initiatives were highly secretive with even the workers having limited knowledge as to the purpose of their work.
Energy Employees Compensation
Many Department of Energy employees, contractors, and sub-contractors were exposed to toxic chemicals and unhealthy levels of radiation while performing an invaluable service to their country. Many workers or their survivors are now eligible for compensation and medical relief under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Program (EEOICPA).
Site Profiles
Below are profiles of some of the major nuclear weapons sites as well as information about EEOICPA eligibility:
- Savannah River Site (SRS): Aiken, South Carolina
- Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant: Portsmouth, Ohio
- Iowa Army Ammunition Plant (IAAP): Burlington, Iowa
- Pantex Plant: Amarillo, Texas
- Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant: Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- Hanford Site: Richland, Washington
- Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant: Paducah, Kentucky
- Rocky Flats Plant: Boulder, Colorado
- Los Alamos National Laboratory: Los Alamos, New Mexico
For a complete list of facilities go to the DOE’s Facility Database.
Questions about benefits? Call us at (800) 718-5658
Get No-Cost Home Health Care!
Need in-home medical assistance? Remain at Home is a proud to serve nuclear workers under EEOICPA. Call us today at (800) 718-5658 or use the form below!