You don’t have to be a senior citizen to struggle with memory related issues. An article published in WebMD raises an excellent point about how modern life has put a strain in everyone’s memory:
There’s certainly a lot more information to commit to memory these days. “I used to have one phone number, one bank account, and no passwords,” my 73-year-old mother says wistfully. “Now, between work, home, and my cell, I have four phone numbers, plus a bank-account number and PIN, and at least seven passwords, including a code for the copy machine in my office.”
Along with plenty of sleep and a favorable diet, one of the tips the article mentions is playing brain games. With the ubiquity of smartphones and tablets people have more access than ever to beneficial (and fun) brain games designed specifically to enhance your memory and other cognitive functions. A couple of favorites in the brain game space at the moment are Lumosity and Fit Brains.
Check out the article on WebMD for many more great memory enhancing tips!
Eat Your Oats!
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